Sunday 4 May 2014

My 52 Week Crochet Challenge: Week 9

I am still really new to blogging and have been trying to figure out how to create a separate "page" for the My 52 Week Crochet Challenge. I would love to have all of these posts together, but for now, I'll just have to post it on the home page till I can figure this stuff out!

Week 9

Organize your patterns this week.  Do you have a special system for your patterns?  Can you find a specific pattern easily?
52 Week Crochet Challenge

Well, this weeks challenge is simple.  All my patterns are organized fairly nicely and are somewhat easily accessible.   I'm sure I could do a lot more to totally organize my patterns, but I haven't yet.

Right now I have all my purchased and free downloaded patterns on my iPads iBooks app, all my printed patterns in a folder (which is neatly categorized into hats, afghans, Amigurumi, slippers, winter accessories, appliqués, baby and Misc.  I also have a section for yarn labels that have patterns printed on the back.  These 'label patterns' are placed in envelops which are also subcategorized and placed in the folder) and all my 'wish list' items are in my Ravelry library.  I also have a bookmark folder on my desktop computer called 'Crochet' (original, eh?!) for all the crochet related websites and blogs that I frequent regularly.

I probably could do a better job categorizing the patterns on my iBook app by creating specific collections like the ones I have for my printed patterns (hats, appliqués, afghans, Amigurumi...etc) so I guess that's what I shall do this week for this challenge, sort my iBook patterns!

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